Type of inventory to be implemented in the training project

For the training project, it is necessary to implement the inventory of raw materials and concerning policies will be presented to it in point 2.2. 

v Inventory of raw materials: unprocessed products

Raw materials inventory policies

1The receipt of goods will be directly for the winery of raw material storage facilities, at no time, goods must be entered by the main façade of the factory, likewise, be held in the morning hours of 8 to 12 am Monday to Friday. For the receipt of the chicken, the merchandise should come in refrigerated vehicles of 7 tons maximum, type cava; for receipt of spices, salt and bread crumbs will be done in vehicles 10 to 15 tonnes; for the receipt of liquid inputs will be done in vehicles of maximum 10 tons, the discharge of the goods shall be performed by the conveyor company. Prior to the download surrendered them to transporters, the clothing required to enter the plant, in the case of chicken should wear headgear, mask, and gloves, used pants shirt long sleeves and boots; When it is raw material that does not require refrigeration should use headgear, and of course pants, shirt and boots.

2. The atention to suppliers in terms of payment, will be made on Friday after 2 pm, negotiations or implementation of proposals by suppliers, It will be done by appointment to Secretary shopping.

Negotiation policies will be made with previously selected providers who meet requirements such as quality of its products (ISO) certification, to comply with all legal regulations which requires the tax and commercial law, which are of national preference.

The orders for raw material purchases will be made with 15 days in advance, the supplier undertakes to deliver the goods on the main floor this according to the policies of the company, downloaded regardless of the carrier you are using; vehicles which bring goods like chicken should be refrigerated special vehicles, which maintain the product cold chain; for dry cargo, must be covered vehicles to protect the product from rain, Sun, dust, in generated from the environment; orders shall be made by means of a format of order requesting the supplier, via the internet, or in person; the form of payment will be 30 days, prior deposit to the bank account the provider present.

For purchases with advance payment policies, the company requests a 5% discount on the purchase value (this value is negotiable), also required in negotiating the proposed dates of delivery of material compliance, in case that this does not occur just in time the company establishes a clause of compliance that reads as follows:

v When the reason for non-delivery of goods, obey to reasons of negligence or by not giving prior notice to the company of the problem submitted to the supplier (logistic, economic, sinister), 2% of the total value of the payment will be deducted.

1.  3. The receipt of the goods must be thorough, i.e. review closed boxes, confirm that the goods come in optimal conditions, verify the weight of goods requiring it and their respective expiration dates. In addition, be taken into account the following:

v The breasts and the hams of chicken, prior negotiation with the supplier, must be deboned and packed tightly, within racks, refrigerated at a temperature of 5 degrees loading; the package containing them must submit the following information: batch of production, date of expiry, amount contained, specify whether they are chicken breasts or hams, barcode, registry INVIMA. On the other hand, the packing that come open not will be received, (this by negotiation with the suppliers and safety standards).

v As for salt, received packages of 50 kl sealed and in good condition, packed in polypropylene material, which in turn should bring printed the date of packaging, weight, mark and very important must not be broken. Where some bulk present breaks, it will weigh and according to agreement with the supplier credit shall be the respective to cross it with the purchase invoice.

v The breadcrumbs, according to agreement with the supplier is received in bundles of paper stitched of 25 kl, should bring packing, expiration date, weight, they must be completely dry, not broken, just as if some bulk come broken is weighed and you will be the respective credit note, in agreement with the supplier.

v The spices (cumin, oregano, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, nutmeg), prior negotiation with suppliers are received in batches of 50 kl, all wrapped in paper with triple-layer bags, sewn, specifying the date of packaging, expiry, weight content, completely dry, and without any break in its form. These products also have the clause that if broken, will weigh and they will be the respective note of discount, in agreement with the supplier.

v The Liquid supplies, may be received at pimpinas of 20 litres, should bring security seal in the position of alimentation of the pimpina, must be specified on the label of the product, the name of the input, the date of packaging, expiry date, the temperature that should be stored, how many liters it contains. If the safety seal is broken, the goods will be returned, since they are conditions that are agreed in negotiations with suppliers.

Note: all raw materials must be certified by INVIMA, or by the relevant public health entity.

1.  4.The Company and its purchasing department demand to its suppliers that make negotiating purchase of raw materials when the event that the goods arrive incomplete, or in bad conditions for business, it warned the Purchasing Department, the products  in bad condition will be returned, and in the case of missing, will be credit note to the invoice sent by the supplier and be lifted an incidence report This will be prior negotiation with the provider, as described in the standard internal if you do not accept this requirement may not be supplier of the company.

In addition, suppliers are obliged to constantly educate the staff on correct handling of the raw materials that they have, that condition will be specific in the contract.       

1.  5. The responsible for the receipt of raw materials, should be responsible for receiving the goods in good condition, and the exact amounts as it is printed in the document invoice of purchase (order of compra-pedido) which the provider sends. In the same way the person with this function to receive the merchandise takes a form of receipt that contains number of return, date of receipt, provider that delivers, number of purchase invoice from the supplier, conveyor company, plate of the vehicle, the name of the driver, item, quantity, description, type of units (if boxes, bags, bundles, pimpinas, gallon cans) is complete, missing, damaged, Disclaimer, firm that receives, signing of the delivery.

If there are inconsistencies, you must perform the respective credit, specifying the missing and received. It should be noted that the company always keeps a stock for contingencies, when purchase orders do not arrive on time or incomplete, in the same way, taking into account the times of delivery of purchase orders, daily production and inventory in warehouse.

2.   6. A form of entry of goods should be what is being received in the winery, this for purposes of internal control of the company, the supplier is gives signed the invoice as support of received. (see Appendix 1. Form of receipt of raw materials).

3.   7.   All received merchandise should be stored in the appropriate places, that is say, If they are inputs to nugeets, in the dry cellar of the warehouse, and the chicken breasts in the cold room in their respective order of date, arrival time, and amount, is important that Winery's system, feed for the inventory of raw material per day.

4.   8. Once received the goods will have to put it in the place assigned for it in the store, taking into account the following: 
  v For the storage of chicken, this is stored in the cold room of the company at a temperature of 5 degrees below zero in baskets with sealed packages marked with date of received and date of expiry, important to note that the outputs of matter must be handled premium especially chicken as first in, first out.

  v The liquids, shall be in a cold room at a temperature of 15 degrees.

  v The seasonings, salt, and bread crumb must be stacked is 5 maximum plate loading of 50 packages. They must be at a maximum of 25 degrees higher temperature, have a specific space for each input within the store.

1.   9.  will enter in the system all the goods are received in the warehouse. Income will be through a systemized program inventory that it automatically feed database, to perform production system orders. As the inventory is automatic will give inventories for 15 days, with a reserve of 5 days more, for possible contingencies.

2.   10. Every day take control of the merchandise that is in Winery, dry and refrigerated, in terms of dates of arrival, maturity and already damaged products. For this there will be calibrated and verified measuring devices that enable to detect the State of raw materials inspection results were recorded on the checklist of inspection of materials.

1.  11. Weekly a selective count of merchandise will be to verify that everything is in order (monitor the merchandise that is most used). To make this check-up to be used in all cases the military standard table to make the respective sampling "is to inspect random of n units taken from batches samples size N and observe the number of defective samples of articles", use 2 tags accepted and rejected in the event that the merchandise is identified with the title of rejected East pass immediately to the space reserved for the nonconforming product treatment corresponding elimination.

2.  12.  It will be a weekly physical inventory of store comparing it with which you have in the system. This inventory will be rigorously since take shipped orders, raw material uploaded, the raw material in process and will be held one traceability from beginning to end is from the provider the office and raw entered the store until the customer received the merchandise, for this (referrals to take evidence objective (, invoices, orders) and will take place the respective physical count is compared to the system, to ensure will be asked to the supplier and the customer be certified as delivered in the case of the supplier and received in the case of the customer.

3.  13.  Will be reviewed daily expiration dates of products giving priority and exit to the nearest expiration. In the winery, they were armed with marking of shelves for accommodation according to the expiration dates, according to the inspection of products Winery staff will accommodate on the shelves the raw material to be used in production or if product is finished ready for be shipped to the customer.

4.  14will be made daily count of goods more expensive to keep track of this (or products children). products and raw materials in the warehouse in three types is classified:

Type A: most important type of material and products

Type B: materials and products that follow
Type C: materials and products that follow

This policy will vary according to the behavior of the market and impacted variables

ü  By value of inventory
ü  By use
ü  By sale of the product
ü  Any other deemed by the organization. 

1.  15. The outputs of the warehouse to the production department must perform using the appropriate format and be signed by the store manager and the person making the request for goods. Records must save and protect deterioration also as support will be digitized.

2.  16. All merchandise coming out towards other departments must be registered in the system, this is to give removal from storage and entry in the Department that the transfer has been made.

3.  17. It is important that at the time of an inventory count, specified weights, units, should be handled values decimal, in the weights by ej.25, 534 kg of chicken breast. In any case majeáramos 3 decimal places this in order to minimize losses in the long term.

4.  18.  Be counted in the presence a "counter" and an "auditor" to check that the spot is right. This auditor and counter must not belong to the area of inventory or warehouse, the auditor or accountant may be internal staff trained in inventory and traceability or external contracted to perform inventory.

1.  19Will be divided (shelves) store by number for better distribution and rapid detection of errors.

2.  20The accountant and the auditor will not count the merchandise from the same place but that one will begin on the first shelf and the auditor for the latter.

3.   21.  Will be a list of goods in which the products found on the shelf from left to right, top down and back towards the front, shall be taken to make counting easier.

4.   22.  Be lowered the merchandise that you have doubt in their count and will be returned to its place counted once.

5.    23.  All boxes will open to verify that the correct quantities of product within them are.

6. 24. If a product that is not listed in the list is be given a sequence number intermediate depending on the location of the product and score at the end of the blade.

7.  25. The sequence of the listed goods numbers will be 10 on 10 and shelf, that is say. in the rack 1 open the sequence 10, 20, 30, etc. And up to the number that is needed according to the amount of goods that have, and 2 shelf will be the same starting at number 10 and continuing from 10 in 10.

8.    26.  At the end of the countdown counter sheets are checked and auditor (listings) to verify that there are no errors, if there is will be necessary to verify and correct them, once all is well checked and without any anomaly will be entering the count system.

     27. Print the captured in system and check that there is no missing physical goods, in case it will tell you the missing goods and will be searched in all the possible places that it may be before taking it as missing real.

Simulation forecast of demand for the products or services to execute through inventories.

For this simulation we will take into account the forecast of demand for the product chicken nuggets that the shields company has been selling since January of this year, therefore the demand for that product is telling for the following months taking into account that each number corresponds to each month of the year.

On the other hand, considering the estimated demand, shall calculate the amount of raw materials needed to meet production and finally we will determine the amount of chicken breast that will be stored in the warehouse.

Table 1, sales of nuggets in the company packages year 2015

Source, the authors.

As you can see the estimate is rather ambitious possibly because sufficient data for the sale of the product, are not however, will be present for the purposes of the exercise.

As a breast kg required for every four packets of nuggets, we have the following:                   

Table 2. kg of breast, necessary for the production of nuggets in the company year 2015    

 Source, the authors.

In accordance with information thrown in the table no. 2 in which applied the percentile, predicted that the storage cellar will have throughout the year's 1427 kg of chicken breast, therefore this value for the same design should be considered.

Annex 1. Payroll from receipt of raw materials

Source: the autors

Annex 2. Inventory Checklist

 Source: Google

Annex 3. Military standard table
Source: Wikipedia



Forecasting is the process of estimation in situations of uncertainty. The term forecast is similar, but more general, and usually refers to estimation of time series or instant data. The prognosis has evolved into the practice of the daily forecast demand plan business. The practice of the demand plan also refers to the prognosis of the supply chain.

Then you have that forecasts are critical and continuous process needed to obtain good results during the planning of a project. If they are classified regarding time span, it can be divided into:

1.     Short term forecasts: in modern enterprises, this type of forecasting is carried out every month or less, and their planning time is valid for one year. Used for programs of supply, production, allocation of labor workers templates, and the departments of manufacturing planning.

2.     Medium-term forecasts: covers a period of six months to three years. This is used to estimate sales, production and flows of cash and budgeting plans.

3.     Long term forecasts: this type of forecasting is used in the planning of new investment, launch new products and technological trends of materials, processes and products, as well as in the preparation of projects. The duration time is three years or more.

Name of the company

The name of the company is Corazas, is located in the city of Cali, and has 8 years experience in the market.

Main business área

The company is dedicated to the production and marketing of foodstuffs and cleaning. Its main area of business is focused on processing and preparation of chicken nuggets, as well as the sale of boneless breasts in trays.

Seven steps to make a forecasting system

Corazas uses forecasts to determine the behavior of the demand, and in accordance with such information to implement new product line or remove some of the market; also use the forecasts to know that supplies are needed in certain periods of the year, finally this information is required to implement strategies of improvement within the company.

Corazas has a plant of production and distribution of its products, in accordance with that verifies how much is sold, to where it is distributed, that frequency is made and what are the products of higher turnover. In this way are: personnel and the necessary raw materials, the amount of required vehicles and routes will be to manage.

Based on the above, determine the use of the forecast, according to the demand that there is product, nuggets of chicken, and chicken breasts frozen, supplying raw material to meet orders requested, designing shift work you must do to meet the production, how packaging should be available to store the product and a projection of daily routes orders for deliveries.
  •  Items 

    Corazas company, sells food products of mass consumption as they are: chicken cut, packaged and frozen; packaged and frozen fish and seasonings for meat and chicken; It also produces and markets chicken nuggets. At the same time, the company sells cleaning products such as: disinfectant, detergent, limpid and soaps in bar. 

    Within the cycle of manufacturing processes of the chicken nuggets company is based on forecasts of elements as amount of material raw material to buy according to request of orders and historical sales monthly; Labor; budget to be used; processing times; delivery times and product expiration dates.
    In general terms, are updated daily the results of purchasing, production and sales, later a weekly forecast of requirements, is also will make cuts month-end and year-end evaluates the performance of the company.

  • Time horizon

    In general terms, are updated daily the results of purchasing, production and sales, later a weekly forecast of requirements, is also will make cuts month-end and year-end evaluates the performance of the company.

    to venture into the market of the chicken nuggets, the prognosis is made in the short term, and with respect to this product, there is great competition; are set .monthly goals; sales according to market demand are forecast and takes into account previous months sales for projection. Prognosis of the frozen chicken breasts is made in the medium term, because product is more poised, are also a standard of average monthly sales that meets, stays, or goes up 10 or 20%.
  • Model 

    Corazas used models of descriptive statistics with histograms of frequencies, also uses mathematical models of least squares and absolute to predict increase demand.
  • Data gathering

    Corazas employs for each of the five departments a person who is in charge of keep the information in the corresponding software, That is to say, five people in charge of this activity in which basically gather data necessary to make the forecast, through evaluation of rotation and consumption of the product in the points of sale and customers partners, satisfaction and consumption of customer surveys for each Department , monthly sales averages.

    On the other hand it has an analyst who is in charge of raw material, vehicles and demand predictions based on the collected information.
  • Making 

    Having the necessary information regarding purchases, production, stored goods, sales, and returns, the company made the prediction.
  • Validation and Implementation

    The forecasts produced by the analyst are undergoing study by the Board of Directors of Corazas, who evaluated the information and give your opinion based on your personal criteria and experience, this activity is carried out monthly, and is evaluated as true is approaching the analyst delivered and where errors occur.

    It is important to highlight that forecasts with actual data, with clear and accurate information should be, it should work with a margin of error in forecasting that must be weighed to get a more accurate result, forecasts in Corazas are made according to the variations of raw materials and finished product market.

    It is also necessary to take into account the economic situation of the company, manpower, vehicles, storage, chains of cold, packaging, etc.

Graphical forecast and trends

Below is the table and graph No. 1 with sales forecasting short-term of kilograms of chicken nuggets for the month of July 2015, taking as reference the months of January to June of the same year.

Table 1. Sales forecast of nuggets short term

Source: the authors

Graphic 1. Sales forecast of nuggets short term

Source: the authors

According to the above chart, the trend of demand during the first months of the year was stable at 575 kg, however, this figure rose for the fifth month and continued to rise for the sixth to settle at 625 kg, taking into account these figures was held a projection in the short-term for the month of July of 620 kg using the method of prognosis of Excel.
Below is the table and graph No. 2 with the forecast medium-term, taking as a reference the last 6 months of the year 2015.

Table 2. Sales forecast of nuggets medium-term

Source: the authors

Graph 2. Sales forecast of nuggets medium-term

Source: the authors

According to the above chart, we calculated nuggets medium-term demand to determine sales from the last months of the year 2015, which showed an upward trend.

Below is the sales forecast long-term kilos of nuggets by 2016, with reference to the year 2015.

Table 3. sales forecast of nuggets long-term

Source: the authors

Graphic 3. sales forecast of nuggets long-term

Source: the authors

According to the above graphic, demand long term of chicken nuggets was calculated for the year 2016, on the basis of the data obtained by the year 2015. So, you can see an upward trend with a stable demand, unchanged over the period.


 SENA study material. Guide No. 7